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Can Invisalign Fix an Underbite?

April 24, 2023
Can Invisalign Fix an Underbite?

When it comes to treating underbites, traditional metal braces have always been the go-to option for dentists. But, with the introduction of Invisalign, this is beginning to change. 

Using clear, plastic aligners that are comfortable and removable, Invisalign has proven itself to be an effective choice for treating many orthodontic issues - including underbites. 

Understanding How Invisalign Works

Custom-designed, clear aligners are worn at a minimum of 20 to 22 hours every day as they encourage the teeth to move into their desired position. In this instance, to correct an underbite. Then, at an interval set by your dentist - usually every week or two - the aligner will be removed and a new one will be worn. 

Many patients enjoy the benefits that come with Invisalign treatment, such as: 

  • They can be removed when eating, brushing, and flossing
  • They may even be more time-efficient than traditional braces
  • They are comfortable with minimal (and temporary) feelings of pressure

Invisalign can treat many mild to moderate orthodontic issues, including crooked teeth, overbites, gaps, crowded teeth, open bites, crossbites, and, of course, underbites. 

Compliance with treatment is crucial as the Invisalign aligners will only work if they are worn. Not doing so could delay your treatment plan - or make the treatment ineffective altogether. 


What is an Underbite? 

Ideally, your upper front teeth should cover your lower front teeth just slightly when your mouth is closed. This is what dentists consider a properly aligned bite. However, when the opposite occurs and the lower teeth are covering the upper teeth, this is referred to as an underbite. 

Underbites can be caused due to the jaw being misaligned. A mouth that is too overcrowded with teeth can also be the culprit, as can sucking on one’s thumb, a pacifier, and/or a bottle after 3 years of age. 

Underbites will not realign themselves without treatment. Rather, it can lead to further dental concerns that will likely need to be addressed down the road. Teeth can become chipped or worn down. And it can cause regular mouth breathing which can result in halitosis - or chronic bad breath. Some patients have even struggled with simple tasks, such as talking or eating, due to complications from an underbite. 

Underbites make it difficult to thoroughly brush and floss teeth. And, as a result, tooth decay can become a big issue. If this, too, is left untreated, cavities and gum disease can result. 

It is evident that patients wanting a healthy mouth cannot leave underbites untreated. Thankfully, there are many different treatment options available to correct them and provide long-lasting relief. And one of the most popular and effective options is Invisalign. 

A thorough examination by your dental team will help determine if Invisalign is the right treatment for your underbite. 

Learn More About Invisalign Treatment

If you are interested in Invisalign treatment and want to know if it can benefit your oral health needs, then our dental team at Cambridge Family Dentistry can help. Using Invisalign, we have helped many patients transform their smiles. To learn more, contact us today at 617-868-7479. Or, request an appointment online.

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