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How Much Does a Teeth Cleaning Cost in Cambridge, MA?

December 16, 2023
How Much Does a Teeth Cleaning Cost in Cambridge, MA?

It is recommended that you visit your dentist for a dental cleaning every 6 months. This routine dental care will not only remove any plaque buildup and keep your teeth clear, but it will also allow the opportunity for your dentist to address any areas of concern before they progress. 

Thankfully, dental insurance typically covers two dental cleanings every calendar year. But what happens if you don’t have dental insurance? How much does a teeth cleaning cost out of pocket? 

Cost of a Routine Dental Cleaning in Cambridge, MA

You can expect your dental cleaning to cost you anywhere between $100 to $250 out of pocket. The average fee for routine dental cleaning is about $175.

Investing in this treatment and preparing yourself for it financially twice per year can save you hundreds - maybe even thousands - of dollars when it comes to dental costs. After all, without routine dental cleanings, you are putting your oral health at risk. This could lead to the need for more complex dental treatment. 

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dental Cleanings

While most routine dental cleanings come at a standard cost, there are a few factors that could lead to variations in this amount, including: 

What your visit includes. Your routine dental cleaning could come with additional services, such as fluoride treatments, x-rays, and oral cancer screenings. Each of these will include an additional fee. 

Reputation and experience of the dentist. Sometimes, based on reputation within the community and the years of experience a dentist has, the fee for a routine cleaning may be higher. This usually comes with a greater sense of trust that patients are willing to pay extra for. 

Geographical location. Depending on where your dentist is located, the fee for a routine cleaning could be different. The average costs stated above are the average fees charged for this preventive care in Cambridge, MA. 

Quality of care. Some dental offices may advertise very low dental cleaning fees. However, in doing so, their quality of care and attention to detail may be lower, too. Keep this in mind. 

The Importance of Dental Cleanings

Many patients regularly visit the dentist for their dental cleanings while many others wait for a toothache or dental emergency to schedule an appointment. This leads to complex procedures and high treatment costs. 

It doesn’t matter how good or how often you brush and floss your teeth at home, you cannot remove all the plaque buildup. And this can lead to cavities as well as gum disease. 

Whether you have dental insurance or not, find ways to include this treatment in your life. Consider dental cleanings as you would a physical for your overall health. They are important. 

Schedule Your Teeth Cleaning Today! 

If you are in or around the Cambridge, MA area and you need a dental cleaning, then the team at Cambridge Family Dentistry can help. We provide routine professional teeth cleaning, as well as deep cleaning including scaling and root planing to treat gum disease. 

To learn more or to schedule your appointment, contact us today at 617-868-7479. Or, request an appointment online. 

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Cambridge Family Dentistry
872 Massachusetts Ave., Ste. 2-4
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: 617-868-7479 | Fax: 617-868-6376
Monday | 7am - 6pm
Tuesday | 7am - 5pm
Wednesday | 7am - 4pm
Thursday | 7am - 4pm
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Saturday | Closed
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